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Case Studies

CF team launches new dynamic days Challenges app as part of the Health, Wellbeing & Fitness stack to manage, launch and implement – time sensitive fitness challenges. User can register with automated triggers & alerts as part of automated journeys and nurture user engagement, calendars, schedule and content as well as automated social sharing. To deploy any numbers of days across any type of time-based fitness challenge or similar type challenge activity.

The Health & Wellbeing Stack enhanced

CF Group launches new time limited 28 Day pre-register fitness challenge for Abs, Buns & Guns for GHAWP predominately for USA & UK audiences.


#workouts #healthandwellbeing#healthandwellnesscoach


Customer experiences that drive growth from one platform:

Partnering with Global Health and Wellness Platforms 

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Launching a new range of global influencer health fitness and wellness websites and apps across the USA, Europe & Asia

This is next generation 


The "all in one" concept- everything as a service, operational flexibility, speed to market and budget friendly.

Working with the product team at GHAWP and a range of specialists from exercise, nutrition and well being from around the globe and across multiple time zones.


We created a one platform console to administer and manage all content, functionality & data management to deliver truly smart - personalised and individual programs to each user via web and mobile native apps IOS & Android.


Through one platform and multiple modules to provide a complete management and deployment, implementation dashboard all in one. Deploying faster, with more capabilities and customisation than ever imaged all in one at a cost and time frame unheard of.


Partnering with Global Health and Wellness Platforms

Mobile native app & website content, functionality, UI & UX platform management and creation, maintainence

omni workflow dashboard

Financial Services Business Vertical Transformation
Rollout of Financial Services vertical end to end solution achieving multi-brand content and customer engagement automation, experience and data management with integrated workflows, task automation, across all customer touch points and management from acquisition, retention, review, renewal, payments, claims, customer care/service, compliance documentation, data segmentation.


Delivering first true OMNI internal cross departmental customer management capability and life time view of customer and value.
Savings into $100K’s, increasing productivity by 40+% and delivery constant insights based evolution and learning and updating.
A truly holistic customer centric highly tailored end to end custom implementation transforming the business model and approach.
Ask us how the BOS approach could transform your business and be more tailored and customised to “future proof” your vertical or business.


Interactive Brand Engagement Content & Technology





Create dynamic digital platform to allow the target audience to view and engage with the content and various assets produced for the campaign and “live” the short film experience as VIP’s. 



Bring to life with true multi media digital viewing  capability across all devices and platforms all assets from the unique campaign.



Developed a full “content based” campaign landing page solution to allow viewers to the full multi media experience in digital channels.

A segmented automated and personalised CRM engagement journey created by type and profile.


Capture and track all interactions and engagement for accurate measurement of traffic source and further ongoing intelligent CRM.



Pfizer Australia is a leading provider of prescription medicines such as Champix used to treat nicotine addiction.



  • Find a better solution that drove convenience, engagement and use, that’s not to say the content of past dairies and published, printed programs was of no value.

  • In most instances the content is high quality.

  • Accessibility, Suitability, Tracking & Monitoring – have been the big issues, which have prevented higher levels of engagement and use. This is where the lessons and learning’s of the digital/mobile age – really apply.


  • Integrated digital platforms that allowed each individual to set their own journey and personalised support program and to adjust that at any time, and as many times as they like“live”(dynamically).

  • The closest thing to real time 24/7 human support and is much more cost effective and flexible.


  • 99.57% of all participants have opted in to use daily SMS & email support.

  • Over 81+% have opted in to e newsletters.

  • Spending over 13+ minutes using program on each visit.

  • Viewing just under 15 pages of content.

  • At week 16 – 94% where still success rate.

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