If your not serious about Customer Experience Management or are pretending because it's the latest trend – don’t do it.
A great case study.
After being a foundation customer and using Menulog since its inception, purchasing at least weekly.
They launched a new website and mobile application, clearly this was not robustly tested both from a functionality and UX (user experience) point of view. Worst still it seems that marketing and technology did not work together and/or were asleep at the wheel.
Based on that you would not be remiss in asking why launch it on a weekend the peak period?
Firstly the new UX is not intuitive, clunky and clearly has bugs – the user experience is much worse and it would seem that no time was spent doing UX research or testing at all – in excusable.
Too make matters worse the data transfer of existing customer profiles delivery addresses failed and only transferred the nearest St Corner field and not the full delivery address.
As result lost drivers and lost orders and an awful ordering/purchase process. Thankfully some drivers had the sense to call the customer and ask directly for correct delivery address details and show them what was printed out on the order.
But clearly the drivers had huge inconvenience and delays and a bad experience as well.
How much damage has been done to the brand investment over the years as a result?
How many drivers might consider working some were else?
How many partners/suppliers might question is it worth the reflection on them?
How many customers just give up and leave? What’s the lost lifetime value?
(use me as an example how much have I been worth purchasing at least weekly over many years and now cancelling account).
How many people will I tell?
What is marketing and technology doing?
Is there any real appreciation of the reality of proper, robust CEM (Customer Experience Management) evolution and data management.
If you don’t want to take it serious, or you want to use excuses like oh we’re a matrix organisation, it’s too difficult to get departments to work together seriously (there are too many silos) or you don’t want to brave enough to give the authority to do it properly – don’t bother, it will be cheaper and good luck too you.